- Timothy Von Engelbert the 27th
- Species: Satyr (He tells people he’s a faun)
- Age: Unknown
- Height: 3’7”
- Rank: Shoppe Owner
Timothy was always a strange one. He was born during a time when magic was already beginning to wane and the magical races were dying off little by little. They still had the bacchanals and did the rituals well enough, but he could see the colors begin to fade and knew that the world he was born into would tear away into shreds soon enough.
So he did something that he saw as practical, even of others saw it was insane and nigh impossible. He made a deal with the force of magic. If it kept him alive, he would do what he could to keep it in circulation as well as he could. Nothing is known of how he managed this or even what it involved. But ever since Tim has run a shop, traded goods, and fed his collected magic back into the leylines. The cost of this is that Tim can never leave his shoppe, and despite having access to almost unlimited magical power, he can only use it when it serves the good of the shoppe.
Which is why he eventually hired an assistant who knew the ins and outs of magic, how to sneak and travel quietly… But did not use it herself. Artemis, or Three as she was known then, worked for Tim for almost two decades when she was suddenly pulled to Aukate. And in exchange for allowing his assistant to remain, a certain minotaur came and offered him fresh magic to feed to the leylines.