- Solaire
- Species: Lizard
- Height: 5’8”
- Age: Unknown
- Rank: Guardian of the Bloodstone
All of the gems require a guardian to hold their power in check. It makes the guardian amazingly powerful and nigh immortal, but also chains them to the stone for eternity. Solaire is the guardian of the blood stone and thus holds the power to bring the dead back to a form of unlife, to cure diseased blood or infect it with illness, and can make the humors churn with fear or anger or passion with a mere thought.
Perhaps this is why Solaire and Rose were a couple for a time. The two both were deeply passionate people, but Rose soon saw Solaire for who he truly was. He enjoyed manipulating people and being the one in power. Before he was the bloodstone’s guardian he was a powerful blood mage and had started secretly doing experiments on living creatures to further his agenda. Eventually this is what got him imprisoned in the stone. So now he got his wish and is the most powerful blood mage the world has ever known… But that power is chained to the whims of whomever possesses his stone.
A little known fact about Solaire is that he is particularly fascinated with humans and as time has passed he’s taken a liking to the human form. Some even say that it is because of Solaire’s favor that humans live for so long on Aukate. Also the elementals, known on the islands as vampires, are prominently human.