- Mnemosyne
- Species: Siren
- Age: Unknown
- Height: 5’3”
- Rank: None
Mnemosyne and her sister Lethe are the demigoddesses with the power of memory. Lethe can make a person forget, and Mnemosyne has the ability to make people remember that which has been forgotten. Many people come to her pool and plead to have scraps of memory returned, and sometimes she does, in exchange for their tears.
While Lethe is aggressive and sometimes angry, Mnemosyne is timid and sometimes withdrawn. She knows that what she offers is not always a gift and with memories come pain. More often than not when she has restored that which was lost she is met with rage and anger instead of thanks.
Mnemosyne lives at her pool and sleeps when the sun sets. The other sirens mind after her and her sister while they sleep and when they are awake in exchange for their advice and protection. She has grown more withdrawn as of late, perhaps due to the rumors that her lover vanished without a trace.