- Ferric the Rustbringer
- Species: Highblood Darnathi
- Age: 1372 (deceased)
- Height: 12’8”
- Rank: Military General
Ferric came from a time when the wars on Alvarni were brutal and bloody. At first glance he was a relatively average highblood, but on the battlefield he seemed nigh invincible. Even highbloods that were larger than him cowed and often fled if they saw Ferric charging towards them.
He was one of Alvarni’s greatest conquerors and is still hailed as one of the most powerful generals who ever existed on Alvarni. He is mostly known for wading into battle and using his weapons with such force that they would eventually shatter and disintegrate under the strength of his blows. When that happened he simply picked another weapon off of a fallen soldier nearby and would continue carving through enemy forces.
Near the end of his life his body was more scar tissue than skin, but unlike many soldiers who shared his legacy, Ferric did not die in battle. He succumbed to a slow illness that many elderly darnathi tend to fall to. Before he passed he gave away all the shattered pieces of his weapons and shared the lesson that he wished he had learned much earlier in life… That there is often a better and less lethal way of handling disputes.